lunes, 2 de marzo de 2015

Entrevista con Frank Cottrell Boyce

Uno de los escritores de libros infantiles más divertidos, y con un humor más inteligente, es Frank Cottrell Boyce. 

En esta buena entrevista dice muchas cosas interesantes. Entre otras, esta, que responde un poco quienes dicen que no piensan para nada en sus lectores cuando escriben:

—Do you write for yourself or do you write with the audience in mind and ask yourself what they might want to read?
—I read aloud a lot in schools. There’s one school in Liverpool that I visit quite a lot. I can see their faces in my head. When I’m writing, I’m always thinking - will they get this? Will they laugh at that? Because there’s nothing worse than reading something out and not getting a reaction.